Since this came out in March I’ve listened incessantly to it, it
wouldn’t surprise me if this is my most listened to album of 2021.
After last year’s En Ergô Einai I knew to keep an eye out for them
and the first part of their trilogy based on Charles Maturin’s book
Melmoth the Wanderer, Triade I: Eos is a stunning album start to
finish. Aara are classified as atmospheric blackmetal but I’m not sure
that description really does them justice. While there are parts which
could be described as atmospheric or even symphonic most of this album
is played at an absolutely blistering speed with high pitched shrieked
vocals, which by the way are all things I like, but it’s not
necessarily what I imagine when I see something described as
atmospheric blackmetal, but I digress. As noted things here mostly
proceed at breakneck speed with a few interludes to let you catch your
breath (guess this is the atmosphere). I am very fond of the vocals,
absolutely searing and caustic this is just how I like my blackmetal
singers. Aara have constructed a monster of an album here and I just
hope the wait for parts two and three aren’t too long.
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